One Punch Man Tier List – All Heroes Ranked

Hey there, Anime lovers! we know how much you love anime but so do we, Hence, today we have the One Punch Man Tier List this list will have brief information about eh characters. The characters are so powerful but by using this list you would be able to differentiate between the characters by rank. So, let’s start with our article.

About One Punch Man: The Strongest

ONE PUNCH MAN: The Strongest is a Role-playing game offered by FingerFun Limited. This game would be ideal for the anime lover who loves Saitama, cause we love him too. You can choose your favorite character and play along and fight with your favorite villain also, Enjoy the innovative gameplay with amazing graphics. But, new players would definitely get confused while playing the game as the characters in the game have different powers so here we are with our One Punch Man Tier List, make sure to read the list before you play the game. The game is available to you on Google Play and also on the App Store.

Strong – Tier (S)

Character NameRole In GameSkills
Carnage KabutoSturdy Tank
DMG Deflector
ATTACK DMG on Single Targets
Continuous Strikes
Reflects receives damage
Child EmperorHi-Tech Core
Applies Berserk Effect
Single Enemy STUN & DMG
Deep Sea KingStrongest at Low-HPSingle Enemy DMG with consecutive
strikes and when below 50% HP he becomes
more powerful and absorbs damage
Terrible TornadoEsper, Max Team DMGAoE Strikes, Injured enemies have more
chances of receiving CRIT DMG and applies
weakening effect

Better – Tier (A)

Character NameRole In GameSkills
Atomic SamuraiCore Duelist, Strong Follow UpAoE ATTCK DMG and Single target DMG
GenosCore Column AttackerBurns the target in a single strike
Amai MaskCore Back-row AttackerConsecutive strikes on a single enemy
Single strike to the back row enemy
MelzagordDMG Absorption & ReductionAttacks in a fan-shaped area with 5 consecutive
strikes and heals itself also shares the DMG
received by allies and reduces it
Golden BallTeam ATTACK, Shatter SpecialistAoE Strikes and Single Target DMG that applies shatter to the enemy
The Metal BatStack DMG AttackerSingle Target 3 Strikes 150% ATK as DMG, hits the main target alongside two lower HP units with 120% ATK + 380% ATK of stack DMG
Tank Top MasterColumn-Row AttackerDMG to enemies in a single column and grants buff to self and allies after an attack
Superalloy BlackbusterRow DMG and DMG ShareConsecutive Strikes in a cross-shaped area and
grants ULT DMG Reduction for self and team
Silver FangCombo AttackerSingle Target Attack with 2 hits and All enemy attack with 100% chance to inflict injury and after each skill, triggers a combo attack.
KingDebuff and HealerHeals an ally by 150% of his ATK and debuffs enemies as he inflicts fear in them.

Fair – Tier (B)

Character NameRole In GameSkills
GroribasAcid Burn Core and DMG Boost
Attacks enemies in a row with consecutive
strikes and inflicts corrode on the targets
Hellish BlizzardTeam ATK and ShieldAttacks enemies with consecutive storm strike and recovers 20% HP in Berserk State
Beast KingDMG Taking Core and Row
Attacks enemies in a row with consecutive strikes and inflicts injury on the targets
Speed-O-SonicGrants Acceleration BuffAttacks single targets with a chance of increasing speed and 100% chance of inflicting
Shatter on the targets
Metal KnightApplies DebuffAttacks enemies that can inflict Burn and Injury debuffs with consecutive missile strikes
Mosquito GirlBloodied Power Core
Deals DMG on enemies in a cross-shaped area with a mosquito swarm and the last hit drains 100% of damage as HP
Vaccine ManMultiple UnyieldingAttacks enemies with consecutive strikes and inflicts Field on them that cause them to take DoT before action.
Puri Puri PrisonerScatter DMGAttacks a single target and weakening the target for 2 rounds also decreases their ATK by 40%

Average – Tier (C)

Character NameRole In GameSkills
Spring MustachioColumn AttackerAttacks targets in a column with consecutive strikes and applies shatter to the target at the back of the column
Mumen RiderSupports TeammatesGrants Berserk state to one ally for 1 round
Smile ManGrants HealAttacks enemies in a row with consecutive strikes and also heal self and allies for 20% of his Max HP
Kombu InfinityTarget ErosionAttacks all enemies with seaweed hair in consecutive strikes
Messenger of the Sea Folk Attacker
Acidic ATK Reduction
Attacks all enemies in consecutive hits for 81% ATK and inflicts Corrosion on the main

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That’s all for today and we hope our One Punch Man Tier List helps you well. If you want more of such gaming content you can check out our website where we post daily. You start reading our content from the following content first:

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