War Alert: WWII PvP RTS Beginner’s Guide and Tips

War Alert: WWII PvP RTS

Hey everyone! Welcome to Pew Pew Gamers. We are here to provide you with the best War Alert: WWII PvP RTS Beginner’s Guide and Tips. Follow our Guide to become the exceptional commander of the game. This blog has all the tactics and strategies to lead your troop like a pro player.

About War Alert: WWII PvP RTS

War Alert: WWII PvP RTS offered by Shanghai Longan House is a real-time strategy game. You will be in the role of a commander who will engage different types of soldiers, tanks, artillery, and machine gunners to form your troop. You have to apply strategies and tactics to drive your squad to victory. One can download this game from both Google Play and the App Store.

Table Of Contents For

  • Your Headset Must Be On
  • War Alert: WWII PvP RTS Controls
  • Understand Unit Purposes
  • Prioritize Troop Deployment
  • Utilize Unit’s Special Skills
  • Do Not Leave Your Squad Exposed
  • Build A Strategy

Your Headset Must Be On

In our War Alert: WWII PvP RTS Beginner’s Guide and Tips article let’s start with the importance of a headset. You must keep your headset on while playing War Alert: WWII PvP RTS. This will help you listen to the background instructions like when your base is attacked or your troops deployed.

So accordingly you can move the camera, take countermeasures, or strategically deploy your troops. If you rely on speakers, you might be unable to hear these cues. With headphones on you can respond and coordinate effectively on the battlefield.

War Alert: WWII PvP RTS Controls

To play any RTS game, you must be familiar with their controls. With this, you can play the game like a pro. 

  1. To move a unit on the map, click on the unit and then click on the place you want to move it to. Selecting a unit like this will allow you to drag the map using your finger on the screen. You can do this without deselecting the chosen unit. It will help you send units further. Also, you will not have to wait for them to move short distances.
  2. You can also zoom out your screen. Now you can see a large portion of the map at once. Keeping the zoom level furthest will save time in dragging your fingers across the screen to see various locations on the map.
  3. Select another unit or use the deselect button on the right side of your screen to deselect a unit. If a unit is selected, it won’t deselect automatically. Below the deselect button, the screen select button is located. You can use this button to select all the troops visible on the screen at once. If you are not interested in selecting any team visible on the screen, direct the camera in a direction to move them away.
  4. You can use multiple select features to select units in the map. Selecting another unit will deselect the previously selected unit. But clicking on the multiple select will move your camera across the map, create teams by selecting specific units, or assemble units to specific places from where you have distributed them.
  5. You have to retreat your team to your base if your team is taking damage. You can try the same or a different approach later when they are fully healthy.

Understand The Unit Purposes

In War Alert: WWII PvP RTS there are several infantry troops, including Engineers, MG Squads, Mortar Squads, and AT Artillery. Each one has its features. To employ them effectively you need to understand their strengths and weakness. 

  • MG Squads: MG Squads deal with damages and refrain your enemies from capturing points. They can suppress enemy infantry. Thus, It makes them invaluable for defence.
  • Mortar Squads: Mortar Squads are for long-range attacks. They are not suited for battles but they can bombard enemy places from a distance. You can effectively Utilize them to destroy enemy formations and fortifications. 
  • Engineers: Engineers are important for support roles instead of direct combat. They are expert in constructing defences, repairing buildings, and laying mines. They are not involved in engaging enemy troops. You should not deploy engineers to deal with damages or against enemy units.
  • AT Artillery: AT (Anti-Tank) Artillery is crucial against armoured threats like tanks. If your troops are hit by enemy armour, AT Artillery provides the firepower required to counteract the threats.

It is advisable to deploy MG Squads to impose damage on ground infantry and secure your key points. Remember to keep Mortar Squads in the back to leverage their range to support the assault. Position the AT Artillery to counter direct threats from enemy armour. Understand the specific purposes of every unit of War Alert: WWII PvP RTS. Arrange your troop such that it is capable of addressing a wide range of tactics.

Prioritize Troop Deployment

In War Alert: WWII PvP RTS, your squad composition is determined in advance. The resources earned during battle are used to summon the units. The Machine Gunsquads, Engineers, and Assault Teams are readily deployed because of their roles and affordability. 

  • Engineers are involved in building defences and essential structures. You can deploy one or two early or also during your game. Use them carefully as they as they play a major role in securing positions and establishing point-generating buildings.
  • You need to invest early in your invasion force. However, Due to slow resource generation rates initially, it should be done in moderation only. To capture one central point, a balanced force of 4 MG units and 3 Assault units is required. This strategy protects crucial resources early and directs many enemy attacks toward these units. This helps in the strategic positioning of other units.
  • With the progress of the battle, more resources become available. Additionally, Engineers can accompany 2 MG units to haunch the enemy from the left and right sides of their entry points. This creates pressure and breaches their defences.
  • If you secure these initial positions, you will be able to deploy tanks, AT (Anti-Tank) artillery, and mortars. Successfully capturing key resource points early will help you with sufficient resources to replenish any lost units and build pressure on the enemy.
  • It is also important to manage damaged units. Retreat them to camp for healing conserves resources. It also saves the cost of new unit deployment. This strategy preserves your force’s strength and improves resource use.
  • Prioritize the deployment of these units and manage resources effectively. Establish a strong base on the battlefield to pressurize the enemy and modify to the advancing dynamics of combat in War Alert: WWII PvP RTS.
War Alert: WWII PvP RTS

Utilize Unit’s Special Skills

Each unit in War Alert: WWII PvP RTS comes with special features to influence the consequences of battles. Select a unit from the right side of the screen to access its special attack options. These options are essential for strategic movement on the battlefield.

  • MG Units specialize in area denial and cover a cone-shaped area in front of them. If any enemy enters this region, they will suffer additional damage. Therefore, It makes MG units perfect for controlling key passages and defending choke points.
  • Assault Units can unleash a barrage of rapid-fire. This increases their damage output for a shorter duration. They become effective in breaking through enemy lines and repulsing sudden hits.
  • Mortar Units can launch mortars at a specific location. They support by protecting against enemy defences from a distance. They target specific areas, disrupt enemy formations, and support frontline troops.
  • In War Alert: WWII PvP RTS, master the abilities and utilize them tactically. Effective use of special skills can turn battle in your favour. As you take control over the resource points, upgrade these abilities to improve their range, damage, and overall performance.
  • Upgrades make a significant difference in your units. It allows them to surpass enemy troops with more firepower and tactical benefits.
  • Your general should have unique abilities to be a game-changer on the battlefield. Abilities like air strikes can help in clearing enemy centres before your troops advance or nullify major targets. 

This provides an edge in the initial stages of the game when crucial resources are still locked. These unique skills and abilities can significantly amplify your strategic options. It will also be effective on the battlefield in War Alert: WWII PvP RTS.

Do Not Leave Your Squad Exposed

One of the best things you can do in War Alert: WWII PvP RTS is grabbing buildings closer to your target. Occupy structures give your troops a defensive advantage and enable them to deal with damage from a safe location. These buildings ensure that any troops inside them remain safe until the building’s health deteriorates.

This strategy maintains an upper hand in most War Alert: WWII PvP RTS battles. If you find enemies have occupied a building, do not send your Assault or MG squads directly to destroy it. This can lead to big losses. You can employ tanks and Mortar units to destroy those structures. Once you force out the enemy troops, your Assault and MG units can neutralize them effectively.

Utilize buildings to block enemy access to places you have captured. Observe the entry points of enemies on the battlefield. Station squads in buildings that cover these approaches and effectively shield your occupied locations.

You must not leave your ground troops exposed in the open field. Troops in the open are prone to destruction. Vehicles can harm them by running them over. Employ Engineers to build defences. Make sure that your troops are assigned to a strategic position. This minimizes the exposure to enemy fire and improves the survival of your forces. 

Build A Strategy

In War Alert: WWII PvP RTS, there is a map in the upper left corner of the screen. It provides a detailed view of all resource points and a basic layout of the terrain. However, you have to explore them to understand the strategic value behind them.

You have to Dispatch small scouting units. This lifts the fog of war covering these areas. Maps feature a single enemy base and various resource points under enemy control. These resource points are the enemy’s focal point. Capturing them will finish their resource generation and lower their ability to assault the point you have captured.

War Alert: WWII PvP RTS


That’s it for this War Alert: WWII PvP RTS Beginner’s Guide and Tips article. We hope you learned all the tips and tricks mentioned above to enhance your gameplay. It’s not necessary to master every possible tactic, but preparing effective strategies for common scenarios is important. Follow their Official Social Media accounts like Facebook and Discord for getting more information. Happy Gaming!

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